Experience the classic horror film "The Amityville Horror" on DVD. Directed by Stuart Rosenberg and starring James Brolin and Margot Kidder, this movie is based on a true story about a family who moves into a haunted house and experiences terrifying supernatural events.
This DVD features the Widescreen Version and is in Very Good condition. It has been tested to ensure it plays without any issues. There may be some minor wear and tear on both the disc and the case, but this does not affect the playability of the DVD.
Add "The Amityville Horror" to your collection of must-see horror movies or gift it to a friend who loves spine-tingling scares. Don't miss out on the chance to own this classic horror film on DVD.
The Amityville Horror, DVD, 1979, Widescreen Version, horror film, Stuart Rosenberg, James Brolin, Margot Kidder, true story, haunted house, supernatural events, Very Good condition, tested, disc, case, movie, collection.