“Cannas bear broad, smooth paddle-like leaves reminiscent of banana plants. The oversize leaves make it easy to create dramatic combinations with other, more finely textured plants. Each stout, fleshy stem is topped with attractive spires of brightly colored flowers. Cannas easily bloom all summer without much effort.”
Arrowroot Flowers Attract Hummingbirds
Canna (or canna lily) is a tropical perennial plant that produces big, bold paddle-shaped leaves and bright, attractive flowers that grow on spikes in shades of red, orange, yellow and pink. They are valued for their beautiful foliage, as much as their flowers. Cannas easily bloom all summer without much effort. Canna indica is a perennial plant producing clumps of stems 5' - 10' foot tall, with large leaves up to 2' long and 10" wide. The stems arise from a large, thick and tuber-like rhizome. With its large leaves sheathing a central stem, the plant has the appearance somewhat like a small banana plant.
The plant provides food (especially the root), medicines and a range of commodities. It is often cultivated on a home scale for these uses, especially in S. America and southeast Asia; whilst it is grown on a small scale in Australia as a commercial source of arrowroot. The plant is widely grown through the tropics and subtropics as an ornamental, being valued especially for its flowers and attractive leaves. Canna can survive year round in Zones 9-11, but can be brought in during the cold months for anyone else wanting a gorgeous potted plant.
Canna Indica Germination:
1) Scarify the seed by rubbing with sandpaper aggressively, and use a small knife to put a few "shallow" nicks into the hard shell. (Not too deep)
2) Pour hot water over the seeds and let them soak for 24 hours. If seeds are not swelled, make a few more shallow nicks and soak in warm water for 24 more hours.
3) Sow seeds 1 1/2" inches deep in a well mixed, well draining seed starting mix.
4) As with any tropical or exotic seed, patience is required as germination will be erratic with some sprouting within 3 weeks, while most others will take all the way up to 9 weeks to sprout. Definitely Worth the Wait!