All four CGI-animated prehistoric adventures, plus the festive edition 'A Mammoth Christmas'. In 'Ice Age' (2002), a group of three animals embark upon an epic journey at the dawn of the great ice age. Sid the sloth (voiced by John Leguizamo), Manfred the woolly mammoth (Ray Romano), and Diego the sabre-toothed tiger (Denis Leary) team up to help return a human baby to its father, and must risk life and limb as they traverse boiling lava pits and travel through dangerous ice caves to complete their mission. In 'Ice Age 2: The Meltdown' (2006), Manny is ready to start a family, but nobody has seen another mammoth for a long time; in fact, Manny thinks he may be the last one. That is until he miraculously finds Ellie (Queen Latifah), the only female mammoth left in the world. The only problem is, they can't stand each other... In 'Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs' (2009), Scrat the squirrel (Chris Wedge) is still trying to get his paws on that ever-elusive nut, Manny and Ellie anxiously await the birth of their mini-mammoth, and Diego wonders if he's growing too laid-back living the life of a pampered house cat. Meanwhile, Sid the sloth gets into trouble when he creates his own makeshift family by hijacking some unusually large eggs, and inadvertently discovers a mysterious underground world where dinosaurs still roam. In 'Ice Age 4: Continental Drift' (2012), when the entire continent is set adrift following a global cataclysm, Manny, Diego and Sid find themselves separated from the rest of the herd. Commandeering a nearby iceberg as a makeshift boat, they take to the high seas. Fearsome sea creatures and battlethirsty pirates are among the challenges faced by the intrepid trio as they ride the waves of the world in search of their family. Finally, in the festive volume 'A Mammoth Christmas' (2011), after Sid accidentally destroys Manny's heirloom rock, he sets off for the North Pole to put things right. But unfortunately for Sid things quickly turn pear-shaped, and it's up to Manny and co. to save the day. Please note this DVD is region 2 and will only work in the following regions Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland, Unless you have a multi-regional DVD Player.