Episodes 1-24 of the anime series following the adventures of a young girl who is determined to join an organisation of wizards. Membership of the organisation, known as 'Fairy Tail', is Lucy Heartfilia (voice of Aya Hirano)'s goal when she runs away from home, but she will have to face many challenges if she is to realise her dream. The episodes are: 'The Fairy Tail', 'Fire Dragon, Monkey, and Bull', 'Infiltrate the Everlue Mansion', 'Dear Kaby', 'The Wizard in Armor', 'Fairies in the Wind', 'Flame and Wind', 'The Strongest Team', 'Natsu Devours a Village', 'Natsu Vs Erza', 'The Cursed Island', 'Moon Drip', 'Natsu Vs Yuka the Wave User', 'Just Do Whatever!!', 'Eternal Magic', 'The Final Showdown On Galuna Island', 'Burst', 'Reach the Sky Above', 'Changeling', 'Natsu and the Dragon Egg', 'The Phantom Lord', 'Lucy Heartfilia', '15 Minutes' and 'To Keep from Seeing Those Tears'. Please note this DVD is region 2 and will only work in the following regions Japan, Europe, South Africa, the Middle East (including Egypt) and Greenland, Unless you have a multi-regional DVD Player.