1992 Star Pics Saturday Night Live Tv Show Card Complete Your Set You Pick 1-150

  *****The cards that don't show the front of the card have defects as shown in the pictures*****

 1 Checklist: 46-114 CL
#46-79 on back, #80-114 on front
 2 Checklist: 1-45 and 115-150 CL
 3 Super Fans
 4 Super Fans
 5 Church Lady
 6 Church Lady
 7 Church Lady
 8 Stuart Smalley
 9 Stuart Smalley
 10 Hans & Franz
 11 Hans & Franz
 12 Hans & Franz
 13 I'm Chillin'
 14 I'm Chillin'
 15 Pat
 16 Pat
 17 Pat
 18 Pat
 19 The Richmeister
 20 The Richmeister
 21 Sprockets
 22 Sprockets
 23 Sprockets
 24 Toonces
 25 Toonces
 26 Toonces
 27 Wayne Campbell
 28 Wayne's World
 29 Wayne's World
 30 Wayne's World
 31 Nat X
 32 Nat X
 33 Nat X
 34 Coneheads
 35 Coneheads
 36 Coneheads
 37 E. Buzz Miller
 38 E. Buzz Miller
 39 Nerds
 40 Nerds
 41 Nerds
 42 Samurai
 43 Samurai
 44 Alien Spacewoman
 45 All Things Scottish
 46 All Drug Olympics
 47 Chippendales
 48 Chris Farley Show
 49 Coffee Talk
 50 The Devil
 51 Gulf War Briefing
 52 Hanukkah Harry
 53 Iraqi Pete
 54 Lothar
 55 Middle-Aged Man
 56 Receptionist
 57 Simon
 58 G.E. Smith
 59 Sweeney Sisters
 60 Lank Thompson
 61 Victoria's Secrets
 62 The Blues Brothers
 63 Chevy Falls
 64 Chevy's Girls
 65 Festrunk Brothers
 66 Franken & Davis
 67 Killer Bees
 68 Landshark
 69 Lifer Follies
 70 Irwin Mainway
 71 Mr. Mike
 72 Judy Miller
 73 Nick
 74 Not Ready for ...
 75 Olympia Diner
 76 Candy Slice
 77 Widettes
 78 Wolverines
 79 Roseanne & Tom
 80 Tammy Faye Bakker
 81 Barbara Bush
 82 Carsenio
 83 Johnny & Ed
 84 Cyrano de Bergerac
 85 Bette Davis
 86 Dylan & Petty
 87 Harvey Fierstein
 88 Frank & Nancy
 89 Frank & Sammy
 90 Saddam Hussein
 91 Jagger & Richards
 92 Leona & Zsa Zsa
 93 McLaughlin
 94 Sinead O'Connor
 95 Sally Jessy Raphael
 96 Regis & Kathie Lee
 97 Axl Rose
 98 Gen. Schwarzkopf
 99 Gene Shalit
 100 Clarence Thomas
 101 Tonto, Tarzan & Frankenstein
 102 Julia Child
 103 Joe Cocker
 104 Kissinger & Nixon
 105 Tom Snyder
 106 Star Trek
 107 Liz Taylor
 108 Tina Turner
 109 Baba Wawa
 110 Lina Wertmuller
 111 Richard Nixon
 112 Gerald Ford
 113 Jimmy Carter
 114 Ronald Reagan
 115 George Bush
 116 George Bush
 117 Belushi Rant
 118 Chevy Chase
 119 Jane Curtin
 120 Chico Escuela
 121 Al Franken
 122 Emily Litella
 123 Bill Murray
 124 Point / Counterpoint
 125 Point / Counterpoint
 126 Roseanne Roseannadanna
 127 Annoying Man
 128 Grumpy Old Man
 129 Dennis Miller
 130 Kevin Nealon
 131 Queen Shenequa
 132 Victoria
 133 Buzz Pen
 134 Chia Head
 135 Compulsion
 136 Colon Blow
 137 Dysfunctional Xmas LP
 138 Handi-Off
 139 Happy Fun Ball
 140 Hedley & Wyche
 141 Love Toilet
 142 Lung Brush
 143 Nikey Turkey
 144 Schmitt's Gay Beer
 145 Bass-O-Matic
 146 Donuts
 147 Jewess Jeans
 148 Mel's Char Palace
 149 Shimmer
 150 Swill


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