1997 Fleer Star Trek Deep Space Nine Profiles Card Complete Your Set You U Pick 1-82

  *****The cards that don't show the front of the card have defects as shown in the pictures*****

 1 Sisko
 2 Sisko
 3 The Emissary parts 1&2
 4 The Maquis parts 1&2
 5 Through the Looking Glass
 6 Paradise Lost
 7 Kai Opaka's Memoirs of Sisko
 8 Kasidy Yates' Memoirs of Sisko
 9 Joseph Sisko's Memoirs of Sisko
 10 Worf
 11 Worf
 12 Way of the Warrior parts 1&2
 13 The Sword of Kahless
 14 The Sons of Mogh
 15 Let He Who Is Without Sin
 16 Kor's Memoirs of Worf
 17 Gowron's Memoirs of Worf
 18 Dax's Memoirs of Worf
 19 Kira
 20 Kira
 21 Duet
 22 Second Skin
 23 Life Support
 24 The Begotten
 25 Shakaar's Memoirs of Kira
 26 Kai Winn's Memoirs of Kira
 27 Gul Dukat's Memoirs of Kira
 28 Dax
 29 Dax
 30 Dax
 31 Invasive Procedures
 32 Facets
 33 Rejoined
 34 Worf's Memoirs of Dax
 35 Arjin's Memoirs of Dax
 36 Sisko's Memoirs of Dax
 37 Odo
 38 Odo
 39 Necessary Evil
 40 The Alternate
 41 The Search part 2
 42 The Begotten
 43 Lwaxana's Memoirs of Odo
 44 Changeling's Memoirs of Odo
 45 Edebran Tain's Memoirs of Odo
 46 Bashir
 47 Bashir
 48 The Wire
 49 Distant Voices
 50 Hippocratic Oath
 51 Our Man Bashir
 52 Garak's Memoirs of Bashir
 53 O'Brien's Memoirs of Bashir
 54 Melora's Memoirs of Bashir
 55 O'Brien
 56 O'Brien
 57 Captive Pursuit
 58 The Storyteller
 59 Tribunal
 60 The Assignment
 61 Keiko's Memoirs of O'Brien
 62 Bashir's Memoirs of O'Brien
 63 O'Brien's Memoirs of O'Brien
 64 Quark
 65 Quark
 66 Prophet Motive
 67 House of Quark
 68 Little Green Men
 69 Body Parts
 70 Rom's Memoirs of Quark
 71 Ishka's Memoirs of Quark
 72 Grilka's Memoirs of Quark
 73 Jake
 74 Jake
 75 Explorers
 76 The Visitor
 77 The Muse
 78 ... Nor the Battle to the Strong
 79 Mardah's Memoirs of Jake
 80 Nog's Memoirs of Jake
 81 Jennifer Sisko's Memoirs of Jake
 82 Star Trek Deep Space Nine Profiles


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