* Our Non-GMO heirloom Mexican Mint is reported to repel a huge range of insects, including the pesky mosquito!
* Mexican Mint is a wonderful culinary and medicinal herb that has numerous uses.
* It is a tender perennial and can be grown year around by northern gardeners if treated as a houseplant.
* The leaves of Mexican Mint have an excellent flavor that is like a cross between tarragon and anise. As a result, it is a favored culinary herb of many gourmet chefs.
* It has a sort of upright, bushy habit that produces a lot of yellow blooms in late summer or early fall depending on where grown. The blooms literally appear like a blanket over this plant and give it a nice ornamental appearance.
* As a result of its floriferous nature, Mexican Mint is used as a pollen source by many pollinators including bees and butterflies and will help to balance your landscape or garden ecosystem.
* The fresh or dried leaves are used as a Tarragon substitute in a variety of dishes including soups and meats.
* The dried portion of the plant can, supposedly, be used as incense to ward off insects like mosquitoes and other obnoxious creatures.
* The flowers can also be used as a dye because of their deep yellow color. In addition, there are reports that the dried flowers have an antimicrobial effect!
Culture Notes:
Sunlight -Full
Days to Germination-15
Planting Depth-1/8"
Life Cycle-Tender Perennial
Sowing-Indoors or Outdoors in warm climates
Days to Bloom-~80