text clean, binding tight, edge wear, spine & covers creased, paperback, 10th edition, Pearson, 2006, 670 pages,
Additional Details
Product description: The tenth edition of Business Mathematics has been extensively revised to maximize student interest in each chapter of the text. More than ever, real-life examples from today's business world have been incorporated; new examples from actual companies and the people who run them are woven throughout the book to serve as applications of the concepts presented. Many new photographs, news clippings, and graphs have been added to increase the relevance of chapter content to the world students know. The globalization of our society is emphasized through examples and exercises that highlight foreign countries and international topics. Providing solid, practical, and up-to-date coverage of business mathematics topics, the text begins with a brief review of basic mathematics and goes on to introduce key business topics, such as bank services, payroll, business discounts and markups, simple and compound interest, stocks and bonds, consumer loans, taxes and insurance, depreciation, financial statements, and business statistics.In keeping with today's ever expanding Web use, Business Mathematics, tenth Edition, now includes MyMathLab - a Web-based supplement that allows students to interact with a full version of the text online and a course-management system so that you can use MyMathLab to teach an online course.
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