Low Germination Rates : Even under the best circumstances rose seeds will have a low germination rate. Most varieties of roses will germinate between 20-30% of seeds. That means the majority of the seeds will not germinate. This is just part of the biology of rose seed production.
Before Planting: Rose seeds require stratification, or a cold and moist storage period, before they will sprout. Plant seeds 1/4 inch deep in a seed-planting mix in planting trays. Make sure the planting mix is moist, seal it in a plastic bag and place in the refrigerator for up to 10 weeks. After the stratification has passed, remove the trays and place them in a warm environment. Once the seedlings have sprouted, transplant them into individual pots.
Planting: Plant the roses outside in the spring and once they are established.
Watering: Water roses weekly close to the soil and not overhead to prevent fungal diseases.
Fertilizer: When the roses are established fertilize them each spring, but the application of a well-rotted manure each spring works just as well.
Days to Maturity: Roses may bloom once in May or June and then again in fall.
Harvesting: When cutting the roses, cut when the blooms are still formed and not completely open. Be careful of any thorns.
Tips: Pruning is another necessary tactic to produce the best rose bushes. Pruning take place in the spring when leaf buds begin to appear. To prune, make a cut 1/4 inch above the leaf buds and remove any twig-like branches.
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