This bag is not perfect. It has stains on the inside and the outside of the purse where the metal is attached to the leather has a small tear.

This bag is beautiful both inside and out. While the inside had some staining, I removed some of it before deciding to sell it. It was too wonderful to hang on to! The beautiful color of this purse, the size, the feel, and the way the bag is made is just wonderful and makes this handbag a breeze to use. it features a zipper on both ends of the bag that you can zip from either direction or meet in the middle. It has a detachable crossbody strap that is adjustable, and clips to the front of the purse so you can easily access the inside of your purse without the strap getting in the way. It has bottom studs to keep your handbag off the ground, and inside pockets to add convenience when you want to organize certain your bag.

This bag can also be used as a clutch when no strap is attached, adding more convenience to your accessories.