200+Parsnip Seeds All American Parsnip(Pastinaca sativa) USA

This parsnip variety has white flesh, and is tender with mild, delicate flavor.The roots of this parsnip are 10 to 12 inches long with a small core and hollow crown. All-American is a good keeper, is frost resistant, and extra sweet when harvested in the fall.


Parsnip seeds should be direct sown outdoors from April to June, once the the ground is workable. soak the parsnip seeds overnight and then direct sow them 1/2" deep and 4" apart in rows 18" apart. They need temperatures of around 12C (52F) so don't sow them too much earlier than this unless you use cloches to warm the soil first. Avoid sowing in cold or wet soils as the seed is liable to rot. Germination is often slow and can take up to 28 days.


During dry periods it is especially important to keep the seed well watered to encourage good germination, particularly when growing on light, sandy soils. Once germinated, parsnips will need little attention and should be watered only when necessary to keep the soil moist. Try to avoid extremes of wet and dry soil as this may cause the roots to split. Weed between rows of parsnips regularly to keep beds weed free at all times. Hand weeding is preferable as there is less risk of damage to the developing parsnip roots, or you can carefully hoe between the rows.


Harvest parsnips from late autumn right through to the end of January. You can leave them in the ground right through to early spring, lifting just a few as and when you need them! Store parsnips in boxes of barely moist soil, peat or sand, and store in a cool place like a shed, garage or unheated greenhouse. Roots can be stored like this for up to 4 months.