this Sweet Bay Laurel is hardier indoors or out than Bay Laurel grown in warm climates. Sweet Bay Laurel (Laurus nobilis). Bay laurel is a pyramid-shaped tree or large shrub with aromatic, evergreen leaves and shiny gray bark. It can reach 60' in height in its native range, but generally is much smaller (3-10' tall) in culture. The leaves are elliptic, 3-4" long, rather thick and leathery, and shiny dark green. Clusters of small yellow flowers are produced in spring, followed, on the female plants, by shiny black or purple berries about 1/2" long. Bay laurel is native to the southern Mediterranean region. It is grown commercially for its aromatic leaves in Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, and Mexico. Bay laurel grows best in partial shade. Moisture: Water when dry. Bay laurel thrives with frequent watering in rich, well-drained soil. Zones 8 - 10. Propagation: Bay laurel seeds are slow to germinate and often rot before they do. Cuttings taken from semi-hard, green tip shoots in summer will root in 6-9 months if they don't rot first. It can be grown as a house plant in room temperatures ranging between 40° and 65°, if it gets at least four hours of bright light a day, or 12 hours of strong artificial light. Keep the soil moist in spring and moderately dry the rest of the year; good drainage is essential. Bay Laurel makes an excellent house plant in room temperatures ranging between 40° and 75°, if it gets at least four hours of bright light a day, or 12 hours of strong artificial light. Keep the soil moist in spring and moderately dry the rest of the year; good drainage is essential. It can be set outside during the summer and brought inside during the winter. The popular culinary seasoning, bay leaf, is used extensively in French, Italian, Spanish and Creole cooking.
Easy to grow
Bay laurel is a pyramid-shaped tree or large shrub with aromatic
Evergreen leaves and shiny gray bark
Trim as needed
Immediate Shipping 4" Pot,

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