Ideal for making home Incubator!
Electronic Thermostat for incubator 500 w Heater 220V, with electronic switching element
Item Description
This electronic thermostat is very precisely and have electronic switching element.
1. Voltage : 220-240 v AC
2. Temperature range + 20 0C to +80 0C
3. Control accuracy - 0.2 C
4. Output (heater)- up to 500w 220V, can be increased by attaching heating sink
5. Heater voltage - 220-240V AC
6. Plate dimensions - 9 x 2.6 x 2.7 cm.
7. Length of wire on probe - 100 cm - can be extended to 1.5M
Device have one red led diode for indicating working heater.
Need to be connected wires for power supply, heater and fan, on terminals on the picture
Temperature is adjusted with small insulate screwdriver.
Please note that thermostat is not galvanic insulated from the mains power. I'ts strongly recommended to not touch it with hands when it is power on.
Wiring of the thermostat:
First need to be connected two terminals with label –“ heater” to heating system of your incubator – can be electrical bulbs for better result.
The other terminals with label – “power supply “ – to plug – for example for 240V
Please be careful, not to reverse it – then thermostat will not work.
The heater and power supply need to be at same voltage!
When you wire up the wires need to make good insulation to prevent short - circuit and damage to the thermostat.
Place the probe over the grill for eggs.
Connect the Fan to appropriate power supply – it need to work all the time.
With this wiring of the thermostat is done.
First you need to be sure that all is insulating good to prevent short circuit, or electric shock. Turn the knob at extreme right position - clockwise. Place the thermometer inside near the probe to monitoring temperature inside.
The first setup need to be done without eggs!!
Plug the plug to the main and rotate the blue trimmer counterclockwise until green diode light and heaters on. Please note that trimmer is without end and have 26 turnover. When you reach end you will hear “clic” noise. When you reach the require temperature for the eggs turn the trimmer clockwise precisely until you cut off the green diode and heaters. If this is first setup of the incubator – this need to be repeat until you heat the whole volume. Now all must be tested for 1-2 days, to be sure that all is fine, before you place the eggs for hatching.
Recommended temperatures for different types of eggs:
========= ==================== =============
hen 21 days 37.7-37.8 0C
ducks 28 days 36.6-36.7 0C
geese 31 days 36.6-36.7 0C
turkeys 28 days 37.7-37.8 0C
Package included:
Electronic Thermostat for incubator
Instruction to montage and operate
Wire diagram
Device diagram