Danbury Mint Miracle Roses Bouquet Everlasting Roses In Elliptical Glass Vase Without Base
Stunning bouquet of real red roses sealed in an elliptical glass vase.
These are not artificial flowers. They are real roses with rich, velvety petals that have been preserved to last and last. These perfect dozen red roses will not fade.
The dozen red roses have been carefully arranged within the glass vase and sealed with a permanent air-tight lid. The classic elliptical shape of the vase showcases the bouquet perfectly. The bouquet has been tied at the base with white netting and a red ribbon.
The Danbury Mint glass vase can be purchased with or without an inscribed glass base. This listing is for the elliptical glass vase only.
In very good pre-owned condition. There are a few small petal flakes on the bottom of the glass vase that have fallen off. Please see pictures for more details.