Barnyard mix hatching eggs. These eggs come from hens eggs fertilized by either a Cuckoo Marans or Deathlayer BCM mix rooster. Our hens include Sapphire Gems, Buff Orpingtons, an Easter Egger, two Polish, and a Deathlayer BCM mix.  These are to be incubated and hatched into baby chicks!

I collect eggs twice daily to ensure none were missed. They are naturally clean, there is no need to clean them prior to incubation. Let sit for 12+ hours pointy side down after you receive the box to give the air sack a better chance of re-adherance for proper chick formation and hatching. My tested fertilization rate is 11/12, and 9+ hatching and surviving. Your results will vary from mine; it's the nature of shipped hatching eggs.  USPS covers up to $50. If necessary, I can file a claim with USPS for damaged property and refund your purchase price. Photo or video proof will be necessary for processing of refund. No refunds except for smashed packages.