This classic drama movie on VHS features the talented Tom Hanks, Paul Newman, and Jude Law in a story about a father and son on the run. Set in the United States in the early 1900s, Road to Perdition is directed by Sam Mendes and rated R for mature audiences. The movie was released in 2002 by DreamWorks and is presented in full screen edition. The storyline follows a mob hitman, played by Tom Hanks, who is on the run with his son after a job goes wrong. Along the way, they cross paths with a dangerous hitman played by Jude Law and the relationship between father and son is put to the test. This VHS tape is a must-have for any movie collector or fan of the talented cast and director. You Will Receive The Item(s) Pictured. We Do COMBINE SHIPPING So Take A Look At Our Other Items. If You Would Like To Take Advantage Of The COMBINED SHIPPING Please Wait For Invoice Before Payment. If You Have Any Questions We Will Be Happy To Answer Them.