Based on the popular children s novel of the same name by Wendy Orr NIM S ISLAND follows the adventures of Nim Rusoe (LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE s Abigail Breslin) a spirited young girl who lives on a remote island with her scientist dad Jack (300 s Gerard Butler) and a host of animal companions including an iguana a sea lion and a sea turtle. Nim s idyllic life gets shaken up however when her father goes missing while on an ocean outing. Seeking help to find Jack Nim contacts her favorite literary hero explorer Alex Rover (also played by Butler) who in reality is uptight and distinctly unadventurous author Alexa Rover (Jodie Foster). Director: Jennifer Flackett Mark Levin Star: Jodie Foster Gerard Butler Abigail Breslin Running Time: 95 minutes.

Size: Unisex OS

Condition: Pre-Owned Good

Good Preowned Condition

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