Title: A Beacon to Us All: The First 75 Years of Le Moyne College
Author: John W. Langdon
Publication Year: 2021
Format: Paperback
Condition: Very Good (as seen in photographs)
Description: "A Beacon to Us All" chronicles the first 75 years of Le Moyne College, offering a comprehensive overview of its rich history, milestones, and contributions to education. Authored by John W. Langdon, this paperback provides valuable insights into the development and growth of the college, highlighting its significance as an institution of higher learning. From its humble beginnings to its evolution into a renowned educational establishment, the book explores the key events, challenges, and achievements that have shaped Le Moyne College's identity and mission.
Condition Description: The paperback is in very good condition, showcasing minimal wear and tear consistent with careful handling. Please refer to the accompanying photographs for a closer look at the book's condition. Don't miss the opportunity to own this insightful publication that celebrates the legacy of Le Moyne College.
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