The Little Critter series by Mercer Mayer is a beloved collection of children's books that follow the adventures of a mischievous and curious young critter. Two of the most popular titles in the series are "Just Grandpa and Me" and "Just Me and My Dad".

In "Just Grandpa and Me", the little critter spends the day with his grandpa, exploring the outdoors and having fun together. They go on a fishing trip, have a picnic, and even take a ride in grandpa's old car. Along the way, the little critter learns important lessons about patience, perseverance, and the joy of spending time with loved ones.

In "Just Me and My Dad", the little critter has a special day planned with his dad. They spend the day camping, hiking, and making s'mores by the campfire. The little critter learns about the importance of teamwork, problem-solving, and the beauty of nature. As the day comes to a close, he realizes that spending time with his dad is the best adventure of all.

Both of these books are heartwarming and fun-filled tales that celebrate the special bond between children and their grandparents or parents. With charming illustrations and relatable characters, they are sure to become favorites for parents and children alike.