The preparation of tincture is from the macerated, whole fresh plant (excluding the root) gathered when in flower.
Common Name: Eyebright, Euphrasia, Augentrost
Mind and Head
Taciturn and careless towards work.
Euphrasia relieves the catarrhal headaches with profuse watery discharge from the eyes and nose.
Eyes, ear, nose
Catarrhal condition of the eyes with copious, acrid, watery discharge with or without coryza. Inflammatory redness of the eyes.
Sensation of dryness, burning, biting in the eyes, violent itching of the eyes, The lids are very sensitive and swollen.
Swelling and agglutination of the eyelids, especially in daylight and in the sunshine is an indication of Euphrasia.
The nasal mucous membrane is swollen. Profuse, bland, fluent coryza worse during the night while lying down.
Piercing pains in the region of the tympanum.
Fluent coryza, by day, obstruction of the nose, at night is an indication of Euphrasia.
Mouth and Throat
Vomiting from hawking mucus, hoarseness in the morning. Irritation in the larynx compelling him to cough, Deep inspiration is difficult.
Redness of the face with Speech difficult.
Stammering, and frequent interruptions in the speech indicates Euphrasia.
Stomach and abdomen
Nausea and bitterness in the mouth after smoking is an indication of Euphrasia.
Pressive squeezing and burning across abdomen. Colic, alternately with affections of eyes.
Stool and Anus
Evacuations hard and scanty is an indication of Euphrasia.
Female complaints
Walking causes stitches and itching in female sexual organs is resolved with Euphrasia.
Neck and Back
Euphrasia relieves the cramp-like, pressive pains in the back.
Swelling in the joints of the hand, or of the fingers on moving them.
Sensation of heaviness and cramp-like pain in the calves of the legs, after remaining long standing.
Consequences of blows, bruises, and contusions is relieved with Euphrasia.
Aggravation of symptoms in the evening.
Frightful dreams, with frequent waking and starting with fright.
Red face and cold hands with descending heat in the body is an indication of Euphrasia.