Crosby’s Egyptian flat beet is a market variety developed in the 19th century and still favored by farmers and market gardeners today. The unusual name stirs intrigue; beets are historically considered a crop of the European sea coast and are not typically associated with Egypt. In fact, the only thing Egyptian about this beet is its name, which is most likely tied to the “Egyptomania” that swept Europe and America during the 19th century. Napoleon’s famous Egyptian campaign sparked western interest in Egypt, influencing 1800s art, religion, and even leading to the false marketing of some goods as “Egyptian” to lend them an exotic flair. For example, the 1888 edition of J.H. Gregory’s seed catalog features Egyptian beets, as well as Egyptian sweet corn. The “Egyptian beet” was actually a German variety introduced to the U.S. in the 1860s. This superior market strain was selected by Josiah Crosby, one of Boston’s most notable market farmers. He refined the German import for his marketing needs. He selected for a super flat saucer shape and smoother skin, as these uniform and decidedly pretty roots were more enticing for market sales. Crosby’s Egyptian beet debuted in the 1888 edition of J.H. Gregory’s catalog; it was praised for its exceptional early maturity and superior market quality. Today’s market farmers and home gardeners still appreciate Crosby’s 19th century work selecting for a perfect market variety. This perfect fall storage beet matures earlier than other storage varieties; it is a perfect late summer-sown beet to fill the winter pantry.