Title: Superbook Let My People Go! The Story Of Exodus
Format: DVD
Brand: CBN (Christian Broadcast Network)
Genre: Animation, Children / Family, Christian
UPC: None
Special Notes: Animated Christian Series, Closed Captions
Condition: New With Factory Shrink Wrap
Original Air Date: Apr 1, 2011
On a lazy afternoon, Chris Joy and Gizmo are hanging out in the lab recalling the great adventures they've had with Superbook. This prompts Gizmo to question whether they've yet experienced THE GREATEST Bible story of all time. In answer to his question, Superbook whisks the kids away to meet Moses as he is chosen by God to free the Israelites from their bondage in Egypt. During the course of the adventure, our young heroes make it through the plagues, the Exodus from Egypt, and ultimately to the parting of the Red Sea. When the kids return home, they know they have seen God's awesome power at work and believe it must be the greatest bible story ever. At first they are a bit disheartened, believing that if that was the best, most important bible story of all time, then what have they got left to look forward to? However, they quickly perk up when they realize there are hundreds more stories to visit and each one will have it's own unique appeal and adventure.
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