Palladio Andrea. Four books on architecture, which, after a brief treatise on the five orders and instructions most needed for construction, deal with private houses, roads, bridges, squares, xists, and temples In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Palladio Andrea. Chetyre knigi po arkhitekture, v koikh, posle kratkogo traktata o pyati orderakh i nastavleniy naibolee neobkhodimykh dlya stroitelstva, traktuetsya o chastnykh domakh, dorogakh, mostakh, ploshchadyakh, ksistakh i khramakh. V dvukh tomakh. T. 1. tekst traktata. Translation by I.V. Zholtovsky. Russian Titles, Initials, and Screensavers by Rabbi Igor F. Rerberg. Classics of Architecture Theory, edited by A. G. Gabrichevsky Moscow, edition of the All-Union Academy of Architecture, 1936. 142c. SKUalb965accf8e654b837.