An abundant sheet music of church foam at the Highest Court, used, published in a simplified, for a four-voice mixed choir, arrangement adapted for use in educational institutions: Part 1: All-Night Vigil. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Obikhod notnogo tserkovnogo peniya. pri Vysochayshem dvore, upotreblyaemyy, izdannyy v uproshchennom, dlya chetyrekhgolosnogo smeshannogo khora, perelozhenii, prisposoblennom dlya upotrebleniya v uchebnykh zavedeniyakh: Ch. 1: Vsenoshchnoe bdenie. In the 4th book: discan, tenor, bass, viola. St. Petersburg Lithography by G. Schmidt 1914. SKUalbbced8f1057781ab4.