Artillery magazine. Annual set. # # 1-12, January-December 1908. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Artilleriyskiy zhurnal. Godovoy komplekt. ## 1-12, Yanvar-dekabr 1908g. St. Petersburg Artillery Journal Type 1908, with photos, drawings. Ponofidin A. The device of lifting targets, appearing and hiding indefinitely by means of manual traction (with drawing). Notes from the field of artillery equipment. Kobylin. Artillery in offensive combat (with three drawings). Zhukovsky. On the speed of flight of a bullet at close range before the barrel cut-According to the experience of the Military Test Commission drawn up by Prof. Dr. W. Wolf. Ruth. Artillery for army heavy artillery. Lukyanov I. A new way of compiling local tables of coastal artillery fire. Smirsky. Night firing of artillery (with drawing). and others. SKUalbd878a884515ef034.