The Rough Riders
by Theodore Roosevelt
Signet Classics, New American Library, 1961
With an Afterword by-Lawrence Clark Powell
We Are Coming! There was a war to be fought with Spain in 1898, and so they volunteered Choctaws, Creeks, Cherokees from the newly tamed Indian Territory.
Cowpunchers, stage drivers, government scouts from the Great Plains states. Riflemen, trappers, miners from the Rocky Mountain West.
As Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders they rode and fought to fame and glory at Las Guasimas, Santiago, and San Juan Hill.
More than a chronicle of a war and men in battle, The Rough Riders endures as a living record of a time, a personality, and a legend.
Reading it, we become witnesses to a young America emerging as a great power ... a dynamic Roosevelt rushing to fulfill his destined place in her future ... and the cowboy hero's last glorious fling in tribute to her colorful past.