Title: Vikings: The Complete First & Second Seasons (DVD, 2013) Format: DVD Release Year: 2013 Condition: Brand New Description:
Experience the epic saga of "Vikings" with this brand new, unopened DVD set comprising the complete first and second seasons. Immerse yourself in the thrilling world of Norse warriors, exploration, and conquest as you follow the legendary figure Ragnar Lothbrok and his fellow Vikings on their daring adventures.
This 2 DVD set contains all episodes from the first and second seasons, allowing you to binge-watch or savor each episode at your leisure. From the stunning landscapes of Scandinavia to the brutal battles and intricate political intrigue, "Vikings" offers a captivating blend of action, drama, and historical authenticity.
Whether you're a fan of historical dramas, Viking lore, or compelling storytelling, this DVD set is a must-have addition to your collection. Delve into the world of "Vikings" and discover why it has become one of the most beloved and acclaimed television series of its genre.
Don't miss your chance to own this brand new, unopened DVD set and embark on an unforgettable journey with "Vikings: The Complete First & Second Seasons."