Amphylochius Archimandrite. A collection of images of the Savior, the Mother of God, and other saints from the tenth to the fifteenth centuries. final ornaments, headpieces, capital letters from 835 to the seventeenth century, engraved from Greek and Slavic manuscripts on a tree by the engraver Ryzhov, on 68 pages. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)./Amfilokhiy Arkhimandrit. Sbornik izobrazheniy Spasitelya, Bozh'ey Materi i drugikh svyatykh s X po XV vek. konechnykh ukrasheniy, zastavok, zaglavnykh bukv s 835 goda po XVII vek, gravirovannykh s grecheskikh i slavyanskikh rukopisey na dereve graverom Ryzhovym na 68 stranitsakh. Moscow Publishing House Archimandrite Amfilohiy. Type. A.V. Kudryavtseva. 1885. 9, 34 pages. SKUalb5494a92af992b9f9.