Abnett D., Counter B., McNeill G., Dembsky Bowden A., Swallow D. The Rise of the Horus. The Adept of Darkness. The Grey Knights. The Sleeping Souls. The Galaxy in the Fire. Fulgrim.The Mechanics. The First heretic. The Flight of Eisenstein. The Legends of Heresy. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)./Abnett D.,Kaunter B.,Maknill G.,Dembski Bouden A.,Svallou D. Vozvyshenie Khorusa.Adepty t'my.Serye rytsari.Ispivayushchie dushi.Galaktika v ogne.Fulgrim.Mekhanikum.Pervyy eretik.Polet Eyzenshteyna.Legendy Eresi. The Horus Heresy / Warhammer. SPB ABC Classics, Fantasy Book Club 2006-2012. 448 and 384 and 448 and 384 and 416 and 480 and 416 and 416 and 448. SKUalb3c9e8506c1e88b72.