Abolin R.I., Sovetkina M.M. Mountain pastures of Talas, Susamyr district, Kyrgyz ASSR. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)./Abolin R.I., Sovetkina M.M. Gornye pastbishcha Talas Susamyrskogo rayona Kirgizskoy ASSR. Publication of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Series: Materials of the Commission for Expeditionary Research, Issue 27. Kyrgyz series. L.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1930. 4, IV, 284, 4) p., 1 scl. card with illustrations in the text and a map on a folding sheet. / / Robert Ivanovich Abolin (1886, 1938): Russian Soviet geobotanik, soil scientist, physical geographer, researcher of Eastern Siberia and Central Asia. He worked at the Central Asian State University (SAGU), the All-Union Institute of Crop Production (VIR), the Soil Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Leningrad University. he conducted field research in Pskov and Novgorod provinces, in Eastern Siberia. SKUalb3329676d049c4615.