27X  FULL COVEN AWAKENER OF THE DAWN spell CAST for you LED by 102 year cast this potent RISE AGAIN Spell for you!!







Albina calls this spell her "Rise Again" spell. This spell allows one to become empowered with the strength and vitality to face any negative force that is tapping into one's energy stores and overwhelming one's ability to restore a sense of balance. In effect, this spell promotes endurance and immense strength so that no matter how often one is presented with negativity or disruptions to energy balance, one will have the ability to "rise again" and face these challenges. Also, she adds that not only will one possess impermeable strength, one will also be empowered with a " surge of enhanced positive energy" in the specific area that this energy is most needed. This surge of energy will continue to empower this needed ability until one has overcome and "risen above' whatever is causing this interruption within one's energy balance.

Albina says that an example of this power would be if one was dealing with an individual or a group of individuals who continue presenting information or taking actions that were either harmful or hurtful to one. With the help of this Magick, not only would one become capable of facing such attacks with one's renewed strength, one would also find oneself developing the exact ability required to "put an end" to such destruction. In this example, Albina says one's ability might be experiencing psychic episodes that provide information about the individual(s), the ability to draw positive energy that creates a "shift" toards more positive outcomes, contact with a spirit guide who offers one advice about one's situation, and so on and so forth.

Albina adds that the ability that one most needs given one's personal situation cannot be predicted and that the energies of this particualr spell's power and the uniqueness of one's current life events will determine what ability is heightened and brought forth. She explains that because this power is so specific to one's personal situation, and the spell's effect is so immediate and satisfying given what others in her circle have experienced, it is "obvious why this particular spell is so vehemently persued by those who have witnessed it's success.


Blessings & Great Thanks to the wonderful and Magickal Albina!




In closing, She also "suggests that this one ALLOW 1-3 WEEKS FOR THIS SPELL'S ENERGIES TO ALIGN WITH ONE'S PERSONAL ENERGIES. My LOVING BLESSINGS to Albina for all of her amazing time and energy!!!




Please allow 2-3 weeks to align with this spell's energies ! MY most heartfelt BLESSINGS to Albina for all that she has given