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Product description: Southwestern Archeology in the National Park System. Let Those Who Came Before transport you to some of the most spectacular archeological sites in the American Southwest, where the compelling cultural legacy of pre-Columbian Puebloan peoples has been unearthed and preserved. These Puebloan ancestors forged complex agricultural societies that endured for centuries in a challenging, arid environment. They had no written records, but their achievements are evident in the remarkable buildings, artifacts, and irrigation systems they left behind. By mergin the archeological records with oral traditions of contemporary Puebloan peoples, Those Who Came Before illustrates what life was like six centuries ago in the Southwest. Filmed on location at national park sites throughout the Southwest, including Aztec Ruins, Bandelier, Casa Grande Ruins, Canyon de Chelly, Chaco Culture, Gila Cliff Dwellings, Mesa Verde, Montezuma Castle, Navajo, Pecos, Petrified Forest, and Tuzigoot.