Indian Cherry {Rhamnus caroliniana} Deciduous Tree | Edible | Medicinal | Privacy Hedge | 10 seeds Free Shipping!

Indian Cherry {Rhamnus caroliniana} Deciduous Tree | Edible | Medicinal | Privacy Hedge | 10 seeds Free Shipping!

Medicinal use of Indian Cherry: A tea made from the bark is emetic and strongly laxative. 
It is used in the treatment of constipation with nervous or muscular atony of the intestines. 
An infusion of the wood has been used in the treatment of jaundice.

Common Name: Indian Cherry
Type: Deciduous shrub
Family: Rhamnaceae
Native Range: New York to Florida, west to Nebraska and Texas
Zone: 5 to 9
Height: 10.00 to 15.00 feet
Spread: 10.00 to 15.00 feet
Bloom Time: May to June
Bloom Description: Creamy green
Sun: Full sun to part shade
Water: Medium
Maintenance: Low
Suggested Use: Hedge
Flower: Insignificant
Attracts: Birds
Fruit: Showy, Edible
Garden locations
Easily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. 
Prefers alkaline soils (add lime to acidic soils). Prefers consistent moisture. Adapts 
to a variety of soils and environments.

Noteworthy Characteristics
Rhamnus caroliniana, commonly called Carolina buckthorn, is a deciduous shrub or small 
tree that typically grows to 10-15' (infrequently to 30') tall. It is noted for its bright 
shiny green leaves and edible fruits. It is native from New York to Nebraska south to Mexico 
and Florida. In Missouri, it is typically found along woodland streams, open wooded hillsides, 
upland ridges, thickets and glades primarily in limestone areas south of the Missouri River and 
throughout the Ozarks (Steyermark). Elliptic to oblong, glossy dark green leaves (to 2-6" long) 
have 8-10 pairs of prominent veins and finely toothed to untoothed margins. Leaves retain green 
color long into fall before eventually turning an unexciting yellow-green. Somewhat insignificant, 
creamy-green flowers in small axillary clusters bloom in spring (May-June). Flowers are followed by 
edible berry-like drupes (1/3" across) which ripen to a very showy red before finally maturing in 
September-October to black. Birds are very attracted to the fruit. This species was originally 
discovered in South Carolina, hence the specific epithet. Notwithstanding the common name, this 
species does not have thorns or spines.

Some authorities call this species Frangula caroliniana.

Genus name comes from the Greek name of various spiny shrubs.

Specific epithet means of North Carolina or South Carolina.

Landscape uses include hedge, privacy screen, windbreak and backdrop for perennial plantings. 
Naturalize in a native plant area.

Habitat of the Tree: Rich woods, sheltered slopes, borders of streams and limestone 
ridges. Swamps and low ground.

Edible parts of Indian Cherry: Fruit - raw or cooked. The fruit has a thin rather 
dry flesh with a sweet and agreeable flavour. The fruit is about 7 - 10mm in diameter 
and contains 2 - 4 small seeds. Some caution is advised, see the notes above on toxicity.

Other uses of the herb: Wood - rather hard, light, close grained, not strong. It weighs 
34lb per cubic foot. Too small to be of commercial value.

Propagation of Indian Cherry: Seed - best sown as soon as it is ripe in the autumn in a 
cold frame. Stored seed will require 1 - 2 months stratification at 5C and should be 
sown as early in the year as possible in a cold frame. Prick out the seedlings into 
individual pots when they are large enough to handle, and grow them on in the greenhouse 
or cold frame for their first winter. Plant them out in late spring or early summer of the 
following year. Cuttings of half-ripe wood, July/August in a frame. Cuttings of mature wood 
of the current year's growth, autumn in a frame. Layering in early spring.

Cultivation of the herb: Rich woods, sheltered slopes, borders of streams and limestone ridges. 
Swamps and low ground.