Toyohara Chikanobu was a samurai of the Sakakibara and joined the shogitai to support the Shogun during the Meiji restoration and fought in battles with other Tokugawa loyalists where he achieved recognition for his bravery. After the Shogunate fell and the shogitai's surrender, Chikanobu began his career as an artist and newspaper illustrator, and often signed his artwork as "Yoshu Chikanobu." He is known for prints of all genres but is most celebrated for his depictions of women’s fashions and vibrant colors. His work has been exhibited in museums, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Hikoshichi a brave warrior is depicted with Princess Chihaya, whom he has rescued. Seeing her reflection in the water he mistakes her hair ornaments for horns and thinks she has transformed into a demon woman. No. 28 in the series Snow Moon, Flower. 13 1/2" x 9" (sight). Framed under glass.