Title: Holy Bible - King James Version - American Bible Society - 1816M (1960 - 75M) WP - Black Leather Bound with Gilded Letters - Beautifully Illustrated Series of Maps - Good Condition Description: Presenting the Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, translated out of the original tongues and with the former translations diligently compared and revised. This edition is commonly known as the King James Version, published by the American Bible Society, instituted in the year 1816. This particular edition is part of the Series MP53-MP57, ABS - 1960 - 75M (1866M) WP. The Bible features a black leather binding with gilded letters and a beautifully illustrated series of maps that include most of the biblical names. The condition of the Bible is good, as shown in the accompanying photos. Features:
Condition: This edition of the Holy Bible is in good condition. The pages are clean, and the binding is intact. The black leather cover with gilded letters exhibits some signs of wear, adding to the book's character. The illustrated series of maps is well-preserved. Please refer to the detailed photos for a closer look. Additional Information: This King James Version of the Holy Bible, published by the American Bible Society, is likely to be a cherished addition for those seeking a beautifully crafted and illustrated edition of the sacred text. The inclusion of maps adds an extra dimension to the reader's exploration of biblical locations. Shipping: The Bible will be carefully packaged to ensure its safe delivery to its new owner. Note: The provided photos offer a visual representation of the Bible's condition. If you have any questions or need additional information, feel free to reach out. |