Long Tie Cord
25 mm x 11mm Approx
Wired Merkaba
Rose Quartz is the stone of universal love. It restores trust and harmony in relationships, encouraging unconditional love. Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. Calming and reassuring, it helps to comfort in times of grief. Rose Quartz dispels negativity and protects against environmental pollution, replacing it with loving vibes. It encourages self forgiveness and acceptance invoking self trust and self worth
The word Merkaba comes from a Hebrew word which means "chariot", & when broken down
phonetically means "light, body, spirit" from an ancient Egyptian translation. If you consider both meanings,
it essentially refers to a way of connecting with light, body, and spirit through the means of this 'vehicle' or symbol.
As opposed to some other symbols we have explored, such as the Sri Yantra symbol,
this one is more rooted in Jewish and Christian tradition. If we consider some similar
concepts and symbols from Christianity, the three elements of the
word can be likened to the three aspects of the holy trinity.
If you'd like to visualize this symbol in concrete mathematical terms, the Merkaba is a three-dimensional
symbol which is made up of two triangles that face opposite directions and connect or overlap at the center.
The bottom triangle represents femininity and rotates in a counter-clockwise direction,
and the top relates to masculinity and rotates in a clockwise direction, all simultaneously.
The design looks like a six-pointed star when looked at from a two-dimensional perspective.
So what is the merkaba and what does it entail? To explain this, it's helpful to note that this symbol
or concept has roots that are evident in ancient scripts like the Bible and seems to have been
inspired by visions and experiences that biblical figures like Ezekiel had of connecting with
celestial beings (which is talked about in the Book of Ezekiel, and other sacred Jewish texts).
From a Chassidic Jewish perspective, the Merkaba is more about having a multi-layered
approach to the nature of man, the world and the ecosystem,
and sees this symbol as a means to contemplating a way to become better as people. Interestingly,
the Merkaba symbol also closely resembles another symbol in Jewish religious tradition, the Star of David.
Please be advised to take your item off before showering and bathing.
Not doing this can advance tarnishing of your item(s)
Costume Jewellery is not for constant wear.
Weeks of wear can build up oils,
we advise you take them out/off for a good clean .
Tie Yourself Cord - Please adjust and "Tie Tight" on arrival.