Nice early paper playbill from the Academy of Music with Lorillard's Red Cross Long Cut Smoking & Chewing Tobacco advertisment on reverse side. Measures approx 5 1/8" x 11.5".
This was removed from a scrapbook and you can see part of the scrapbook handwritten page down the side.
Perhaps you can steam this to remove it?
Otherwise, nice antique condition as shown.
the following geneology information is from joycetice.com:
Nathan V. Weller, dairyman, Athens, a native of Chemung County, New York, was born March 18, 1842, and is a son of Jacob A. E. and Julia (Fitzgerald) Weller, the former a native of Newburg, New York, and the latter of New Jersey. The father, who was a farmer, died at Greenes Landing, Athens Township, this County, May 12, 1887, in his 78th year. Mrs. Weller died in 1876, in her 68th year. Nathan V. is the seventh in a family of 12 children, of whom two died in infancy; he came to Athens Township with parents, March 4, 1843, was reared on the farm, and received the early part of his education in the public schools; then attended a private school two years. He enlisted in the Army July 6, 1862, in Co. I, 109th, NYVI, and some of the engagements that he participated in were the battles of the Wilderness, Cold Harbor, Petersburg, North Anna, and Hatcher's Run; he was wounded at Petersburg and North Anna, and at Spotsylvania he was taken prisoner, but escaped the night after his capture with two others. He was mustered out at Tennallytown, June 16, 1865. After his return from the Army he worked at the blacksmith trade 10 years, and then abandoned it on account of ill health; afterward he engaged in farming and began dairying business in 1875; his farm contains 280 acres of well improved land with good buildings; he also handles agricultural implements. Mr. Weller was married in Athens Township, Nov. 8, 1865, to Miss Mary A., daughter of Edward and Agnes (Holmes) McMorran, natives of Scotland; they immigrated to this County about the year 1849, and are now residents of Athens. Mrs. Weller, who is the youngest in a family of four children, was born in Scotland, Aug. 21, 1844, and to them were born three children: Fred M., Harry E., and Mary A. The family are members of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Weller is a member of the F. & A.M., Amity Lodge, No. 70, of the Chapter and Commandery, is also a charter member of the G. A. R., Perkins Post, No. 202, a member of the Union Veteran Legion, of Sayre, also of the Royal Arcanum. Mr. Weller is a Republican, and has filled the office of Township Treasurer, auditor, and Secretary of the school board.