Mother Thrice Admirable Print

Around the time of the First World War, Father Kentenich, a German priest, founded a young men’s group devoted to Mary. Reportedly, the boys wanted a picture of her, so Fr. Kentenich went to a local second-hand store and bought this lovely painting. It has become an emblem of Schoenstat, a world-wide and growing movement of people devoted to love of Jesus through Mary. It involves everyone, not just boys. This has been our mantle picture for 20 years. Fr. Kentenich himself knew the way of this trust in Mary. He had been abandoned as a child in front of a shrine of Mary by his own mother, a poor woman, who told him, Mary will be your mother now. This shocking behavior nonetheless led to a long and fruitful life devoted to Christ with complete trust in Mary, and he helped many people draw closer to God. His cause is up for canonization. (source: Sister Marie Day, a Schoenstat sister of Sleepy Eye, Minnesota)8.5 x 11 acid-free archival paper, with about an inch-and-a-third of white space around the picture. Cardboard backer. Enclosed in a tight-fitting, crystal clear bag. IMPORTANT!!! The image is smaller than the paper. Standard size. Easy to find a ready-made frame at your local Hobby Lobby. If you're sending this as a gift and would like us to frame it for you, please convo and we'll make special arrangements for you.You might also be interested in original Catholic art and jewelry by me, Sue Kouma Johnson, available all over this shop! Thanks!
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