Moss rose, or Portulaca grandiflora, is a drought and heat tolerant hardy annual native to hot, arid flatlands in Argentina, southern Brazil, and Uruguay. 

This succulent plant in the purslane family (Portulacaceae) is cultivated throughout the world as a stunning annual for its bountiful flowers that bloom all summer long with little to no care once germinated. It is related to purslane (we have purslane available, too), and like that plant has escaped to naturalize in some parts of the country on roadsides and in waste places. 


Choose a planting location in full sun in a very well drained area. Spade or cultivate the soil when soil temperatures reach 65 degrees. Add 1 to 2 inches of sand if the soil drains poorly or contains too much humus. Rake the area smooth with a garden rake. Tamp the area with a flat board to firm the soil and create a very even surface. Spray with a fine mist sprayer to moisten the soil. Pour moss rose seeds into a container with three to four parts dry sand and mix thoroughly. Moss rose seeds are very fine, making it difficult to sow them thinly without the added sand. Sprinkle the seed-sand mixture thinly over the area. Portulaca seed germinates most reliably when exposed to light, so do not cover seeds.

Monitor the seed bed. Germination takes place in 10 to 14 days when temperatures remain warm enough. If the soil dries out, spray with a fine mist. Do not over-water.