Title: TUMBLIN' CREEK TALES: Southern Folklore in Humorous Verse by Richard Pek Gunn - Poet Laureate of Tennessee - Published by Tumblin' Creek Enterprises, 1963 7th edition - Signed by Pek Gunn - Very Good Condition with Personal Note


Embark on a journey through Southern folklore with "TUMBLIN' CREEK TALES" by Richard Pek Gunn, the Poet Laureate of Tennessee. Published by Tumblin' Creek Enterprises in 1963, this unique 7th edition is not only a collection of humorous verse but also a signed copy by Pek Gunn. The book features artwork and hand-lettering done by a convict in the Tennessee State Prison, adding a distinctive touch. Additionally, there is a note to the former owner from a relative gifting the book. The book is in very good condition, meticulously preserved over the years, as evident in the accompanying photos.


Southern Folklore in Humorous Verse: Delight in the charm and humor of Southern folklore through the poetic lens of Richard Pek Gunn, Tennessee's Poet Laureate.
Signed and personalized by: the Author Pek Gunn
Artwork and Hand-Lettering by a Convict: The book features unique artwork and hand-lettering done by a convict in the Tennessee State Prison, providing a distinctive and intriguing element to the publication.
Published by Tumblin' Creek Enterprises: Tumblin' Creek Enterprises brings you this edition, offering a glimpse into regional humor and storytelling.
Published in 1963: The vintage charm of this book is enhanced by its 1963 publication date, reflecting the cultural landscape of that era.
Signed by Pek Gunn: This copy is signed by Richard Pek Gunn, adding a personal touch and collector's value to the book.
Note to Former Owner: The book includes a note to the former owner from a relative, further enhancing the personal and historical connections.
Very Good Condition: The book is in very good condition overall, showcasing minimal signs of wear. The pages are clean, the binding is secure, and the cover is well-preserved.
Visual Confirmation: The provided photos serve as a visual confirmation of the book's condition, allowing you to assess its state and appreciate the details of its cover, pages, and signatures.

Whether you're a fan of Southern folklore, humorous verse, or unique collectibles, "TUMBLIN' CREEK TALES" is a captivating addition to your library. Seize the opportunity to own this signed edition, embodying the essence of regional storytelling and the artistry of a Tennessee State Prison convict from 1963.