Title: The Selected Poetry of Jessica Powers - Edited by Regina Siegfried, ASC and Robert F. Morneau - ICS Publications, Washington, DC, 1999 - Signed by Robert F. Morneau with Personal Note - Good Condition
Description: Immerse yourself in the poetic brilliance of Jessica Powers with "The Selected Poetry of Jessica Powers," edited by Regina Siegfried, ASC, and Robert F. Morneau. Published by ICS Publications in Washington, DC, in 1999, this edition is not only a collection of profound poetry but also a signed copy by Robert F. Morneau, with a personal note on the front end sheet. The book is in good condition, well-preserved over the years, as evident in the accompanying photos. "The Selected Poetry of Jessica Powers" is a collection that brings together the poetic works of Jessica Powers, a Catholic nun and contemplative poet. Born in 1905, she entered the Carmelite Order in 1929 and spent the rest of her life in a contemplative community. Jessica Powers' poetry is characterized by its spiritual depth, introspection, and lyrical beauty. Her poems often explore themes of faith, mysticism, and the human connection to the divine. Drawing from her own experiences as a nun and a woman of faith, Powers' verses reflect a profound spirituality and a keen awareness of the mysteries of life. The selected poems in this collection are curated to showcase the essence of Jessica Powers' poetic legacy. Edited by Regina Siegfried, ASC, and Robert F. Morneau, the book aims to provide readers with a meaningful and reflective journey through the poet's contemplative and spiritually rich verses. The personal note and signature by Robert F. Morneau add a unique touch to the book, creating a more intimate connection between the reader and the editor. Overall, the collection serves as an exploration of the intersection of faith, poetry, and contemplation through the lens of Jessica Powers' unique and evocative voice. Features:
Whether you're a poetry enthusiast, a collector of signed editions, or someone seeking spiritual and contemplative literature, this signed copy of "The Selected Poetry of Jessica Powers" is a meaningful addition to your library. Seize the opportunity to own this well-maintained edition and immerse yourself in the eloquent verses of Jessica Powers. |