The Mask is an American comic book series created by Doug Mahnke and John Arcudi and published by Dark Horse Comics. Its artists include Mark Badger, Chris Warner and Keith Williams. The series tells the story of a supernatural mask that grants its wearers nearly limitless power, often at the cost of their sanity. The original trilogy of The Mask, The Mask Returns, and The Mask Strikes Back was published as a limited series, from 1991 to 1995, and has since expanded into various spin-offs and other media.
The series is known for its dark tone and graphic violence, where the inspiration for the Jim Carey version came from. While he nailed the character, for whatever reason the writers had decided to go more light hearted with the portrayal.
The original had a completely different atmosphere considering what they had started with than where they ended up. As is often seems to be the case when it comes to the comics, the series is known for its dark humor, distinct tone and graphic violence.