Barbour Christmas Is 18 Holiday Cards 20 Envelopes Boxed Barbour publishing Boxed Christmas cards 18 cards 20 envelopes Copyrighted 2008 The design of each card is the same On the outside There is a child sliding in the snow, the artist is Cory Godbey Christmas is.... A season of love A season of peace A season of giving A season of thankfulness A season of beauty A season of miracles A season of joy A season of hope On the inside Praying you'll experience the blessings of the season to the fullest. Whatsoever things are true... whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things Philippians 4:8 Scripture taken from the King James version of the Bible Box was opened for quantity to be checked and pictures to be taken New from store we are liquidating ISBN 978-1-60260-102-4 UPC 9781602601024 Country of origin unknown