* (Grade A) LUXURY Bourbon Indonesia vanilla beans are long, with an oily, sweet, unique woody, smoky taste.
* Coming straight from the source, we work with small family farmers, to give you high quality, organic, sustainable, fair trade, non-GMO, gluten-free.
* Length between 21 - 23 cm (8.5 – 9 inch).
* Moisture Content: 30-35%
* Each order will be Vacuumed seal.
* Abundance of caviar (tiny seeds) that gives an extremely rich flavor and aroma
* The traditional, old fashion slow drying process to cure the vanilla beans under enormous of sun, makes Indonesian vanilla beans well suited in heated applications.
* Weight about 3 grams each vanilla bean.
* Shelf life is about 1 year (Vacuum Packed) and 2-3 Months in airtight jar.
NOTE: Always store vanilla beans in an airtight container, dry, cool and dark place. DO NOT freeze or refrigerate