Paperback as pictured, no marks in text and a couple of loose pages, complete text, shipping daily. Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: From Forty years have elapsed since as a very young minister I began to deliver lectures on prophetic subjects. I soon discovered that when properly and consistently handled this theme is of thrilling interest, possesses a unique charm, and is very effective in getting the truth to the general public; so I gradually developed a series of eight chart lectures on Daniel and the Revelation, which series has now been given hundreds of times throughout the United States, and in certain foreign countries around the world. Their reception has been most gratifying. Capacity audiences have returned to the lecture auditorium night after night until the final end of the series, although some of the lectures average two hours or more in length. The entire series has been repeated two or more times in many of the larger churches, with even greater interest and more satisfactory results.