Title: Christian Brothers Academy Presents the Twenty-Seventh Annual Musicale - 1964 Description: Step back in time to April 11 and 12, 1964, with this vintage program book from the Christian Brothers Academy's Twenty-Seventh Annual Musicale. Presented by the Music Department of the Christian Brothers Academy at Le Moyne College in Syracuse, New York, this book is not only a testament to a bygone era of musical talent but also a glimpse into the local businesses of the time through its advertisements. Details:
Whether you're a collector of vintage memorabilia, interested in the history of Syracuse, or have a connection to the Christian Brothers Academy and its musical heritage, this program book is a treasure trove of memories. Don't miss the chance to own this piece of local history and musical nostalgia from 1964. Order your copy today and relive the magic of the Twenty-Seventh Annual Musicale! |