For your consideration is a Lovely, Vintage-
New Geography book one-part two by Alexis Everett Frye Published by Ginn and company, 1921 Illustrated Book.
Hardcover, Size: 10-1/4 x 8 Inches, 264+ Pages.
Fair only! As is often seen on antique History books!
There are spotting, browning, writing, wear , tape and tears.
Please Note:
This Book is NOT in EXCELLENT Condition, but still is in Fair condition for it age from 1921 RARE item.
This scarce book should be used only as a collectible presentation or for professional purposes.
Cosmetic condition is as clearly and accurately shown in the high-definition pictures provided.
Please inspect all of them carefully!
Overall a rarity and very uncommon. A really great Geography Book to add to any good collection of Western Americana.