Short description: In Russian (ask us if In doubt). M. Ast. 1997-2007. 1. The Skeleton Team. 2. Regulators. 3-4. The Witch and the Crystal. 5. The Green Mile. 6. Slimmer. 7-8. The Bone Bag. 9. The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. 10. The Storm of the Century. 11. The Dragon's Eyes. 13. Dolores Claiborne. 14. The Dead Zone. 15. TommIn ockers. 16. The Cemetery of Pets. 17. Fertile Lands. 18.Ono (In one volume) 19. Cujo. 20. EverythIn g is extreme. 21.The Dark Half. 22. The Dark Tower. 23. ChristIn a. 24. Necessary thIn gs. 25. SKUalb6ba3cd94152a963c.