上面的五个钱币, 代表了清朝的5个皇帝
挂件上的葫芦, 代表多子多福(一种祝福)
铜钱底部有两个中国古代神兽图案的铃铛, 代表着平安
在中国古代, 人们常常把5个钱币串在一起, 代表五个方向的力量, 可以驱邪招福。
五帝钱 集合了 天、地、人 的力量, 趋吉避凶
五帝在位是从1644年-1824年, 刚好在风水上 是一个循环(风水每180年是一个循环)
五帝就是清朝历史上的五个皇帝, 刚好属于 金木水火土, 是一个五行的完整数。
所以 五帝钱 就代表了 地气 神气 人气 , 天地人的力量。
是古代阴阳五行学说的具体体现, 拥有厚重的文化属性。
The length of the pendant is 17cm and the width is 2.2cm
Can be easily hung on the door at home, in the car
The five coins above represent the five emperors of the Qing Dynasty
In ancient China, people often strung 5 coins together, representing the power of the five directions, which could exorcise evil and bring good fortune.
The five emperors' money gathers the power of heaven, earth and man to seek good luck and avoid evil
The five emperors reigned from 1644 to 1824, which happened to be a cycle in Feng Shui (feng shui is a cycle every 180 years)
The Five Emperors are the five emperors in the history of the Qing Dynasty.
Therefore, the money of the five emperors represents the power of the earth, the spirit, the popularity and the power of the heaven, earth and people.
It is the concrete embodiment of the ancient yin-yang and five-element theory, and has profound cultural attributes.
The gourd on the pendant represents many sons and more blessings (a blessing)
At the bottom of the bronze coin are two bells with the design of ancient Chinese divine animals, representing peace