Mortgage Lifter Tomato (Lycopersicon esceluntum) is one of the largest and most popular beefsteak varieties of tomatoes available. Introduced in the early 1930's by M.C. Byles (Radiator Charlie), he paid for his mortgage by selling his plants at $1 each, hence the name Mortgage Lifter. This indeterminate will produce  pinkish-red and slightly flattened tomatoes that range from 1 lb to 4 lbs. Very meaty and low in acid with very few seeds. Drought tolerant and disease resistant. Indeterminate

Germination in 5-8 days, maturity in 80-90 days

Collected: 9/24

Germination: 80%

As always, FREE SHIPPING on all orders within the US

Please, if you have any issues with your order, germination or simply need planting instructions, reach out to me and I will take care of you. I always take care of my customer